Living with Love
What makes life worth living? What makes us human? Love. Love is all that matters. Everyone needs love. It basically comes down to the fact that we are not alone in the world. However, what is love? Love is not only about receiving but it’s also about giving. How to live with love? There are so many simple things we can do to bring more love into our lives.
Everyone Needs Love
Excerpt 1 : Everyone Needs Love
Today, I am going to talk about how to live with love. No matter where you are from, no matter who you are, you always need love. People just can’t live without love.
Excerpt 2 : Love Starts Small
Love should start from ourselves giving out small love. If we make grand promises but don’t start small by cultivating ourselves, we’ll end up accomplishing nothing in our entire lives.
Excerpt 3 : The Aspiration That Young People Should Have
Every young person, especially the young generation here, has in your hand the future of your family, your country, and the whole world. Think of big and long-term plans for your country, your people, and your ethnic group; strive to achieve your ideals with a brave heart and a strong determination. Try to embrace this aspiration!
Excerpt 4 : Education Changes Us
Actually, if we want to make big changes, education holds the key. Education can change our destiny and bring welfare to our family and the whole world. When in school, try to overcome all the difficulties and hardships to build a vast and profound foundation of knowledge, which will be of immense help in the future.
Excerpt 5: The Fundamental of Buddhism
Some people may not know Buddhism. However, having studied it for many years, I will stress here today that the Buddhist doctrines are neither against science nor against any virtuous religions in the world. This is because Buddhism teaches us to help all sentient beings, including animals, to not only attain transient happiness but also the ultimate bliss. This is the fundamental of Buddhism.
Therefore, as citizens of the modern world, you probably want to study religions with an open and relaxed mind, and when necessary, learn meditation to fine-tune your mind, which can make your work and study more efficient.

The Aspiration That Young People Should Have
Every young person, especially the young generation here, has in your hand the future of your family, your country, and the whole world. Think of big and long-term plans for your country, your people, and your ethnic group; strive to achieve your ideals with a brave heart and a strong determination. Try to embrace this aspiration!

Education Changes Us
Actually, if we want to make big changes, education holds the key. Education can change our destiny and bring welfare to our family and the whole world. When in school, try to overcome all the difficulties and hardships to build a vast and profound foundation of knowledge, which will be of immense help in the future.
“If you have no interest in any religion, it’s very important to keep an open and happy mind in life and be willing to learn. In our lives we need to help others, and at the same time maintain a happy mindset. It’s pointless to always feel upset, sad, or annoyed over trivial matters. A happy mind creates a beautiful world.”