New Talk Available: Beautiful Living
On September 25, 2015, Khenpo Sodargye was invited to Turin, Italy to speak about how to live a beautiful life.
Is life beautiful? Different people have different opinions. Khenpo Sodargye said that from the Buddhist point of view no one lives without suffering. Others may think that life is beautiful and joyful. Khenpo pointed out that, whatever one’s perspective is, it’s important to face the unexpected in life with courage and strength. This is the same advice US President Dwight David Eisenhower got from his mother when she told him, “No matter what cards you get, you have to play the hand you’re dealt. Both in cards and in life.” Khenpo concluded by saying that one can enjoy a perfect and beautiful life, free from the bondage of happiness and suffering, only when one has realized the truth of life.
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