Frank Sethi

Mr. Frank Sethi is the general manager of Fashion King . Born and raised in Thailand, he is considered as the fourth generation of his family residing in Thailand. His grand-children are the sixth generations. At present, Mr. Sethis is the secretary of SGSS (Sikh temple) in Chiang Mai, which is affiliated with its head temple in Bangkok. He is also a board member of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC), which involves five religions in Chiang Mai. Occasionally, he shares the philosophy and value of Sikhism to students and people with different background.

He was born a Sikh and he believes in Sikhism. He is currently spending his semi-retired life in Chiang Mai and doing business with foreigners who often call him Frank due to his frankness. His Punjabi name is Rachpal Singh Sri Sethi.

He is a member of several organizations with Thais Indians and foreigners. Helping someone in need is his priority irrespective of caste creed or colour. In Sikhism, people believe in Guru Granth Saheb, their holy scripture, which is often referred as guidance for life. Sikhs are allowed to approach different religions and respect other religious beliefs.

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